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Do you really want to pass the SBL examination? 


If the answer to the question above, is a resounding 'Yes!', then you are in the right place.

Ashim has prepared thousands of students around the world, to pass the ACCA's examinations. Many of them going on to win national or even international prizes.


You are in Good Hands!

With Ashim, you are not 'just another student'.

He takes the time to speak to each student individually both when they join and throughout the course. He shares your desire for success and will make sure he fully understands your needs before advising on the most effective approach for you!


Ashim is a regular contributor to  ACCA webinars on SBL-related matters, such as Train the Trainer and How to earn your professional Skills marks.



“You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together we can do great things” (Mother Teresa).

The Platinum Package (with Pass Assurance Guarantee)  truly is the 'Jewel in the Crown' of my SBL exam preparation programme. 

It doesn't matter what your past experience is with SBL, this plan is designed to take you step-by-step through everything you need to know and do, to pass!

Tuition Course: Pre-recorded videos which distil the whole syllabus into 'must know and understand' nuggets.

Course notes: Available for download in .pdf format.

Revision Course: Detailed analysis of past exam questions with a recording of my personal answers, produced under exam conditions.

Revision notes: Available for download in .pdf format.

BPP materials: e-copies of the latest BPP Workbook and Practice and Revision Kit.

Homework questions (HW): 10 HW questions selected by topic.

Mock exams (ME): Three MEs; one at the end of the Tuition course and two at the end of the Revision phase.

All HW and ME answers sent to me by the specified dates will be marked to exam standard and returned with feedback. After each ME, I will also arrange a call with you for individualised feedback.




“Only I can change my life, no one can do it for me.” (Carol Burnett)

Our Executive Coaching programme is a series of one-to-one, and group, interactions designed to create sustained improvement in personal performance. Our sessions are conducted in-person and remotely, using video Skype and similar applications. Consequently, we work with clients globally and locally, without compromising on the quality of our work together.

​Coaching is about many things, however, principally it is about growth. Our certified coaches will help to identify personal goals and challenges, agree on desired outcomes and work with clients to deliver measurable results.
Along the way, we will raise emotional intelligence and conscious awareness; enabling us to attain outcomes which we never dared to believe possible.

At AKA, we take a holistic approach to Coaching. Our lives are not compartmentalised into professional and personal; each will have an effect on the other. We explore these mutual influences and address them in tandem, to move clients to their next level of performance.

The global growth of Executive Coaching by forward-thinking organisations, reflects a new understanding of how crucial these skills truly are. The ability to inspire teams and unlock potential, in themselves and others, is a skill that every leader should have.


“Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.” (William James)

Tailored Workshops: A Tailored Workshop is what it sounds like – a workshop tailored to a client’s leadership needs.

This is where the AKA team really comes into its own; our experts bring an impressive array of skills, knowledge and experience to the table. Based on clearly defined outcomes, we will produce and deliver content which precisely meets client needs.

The project coordinator will liaise closely with the client throughout, to ensure that we are on the same ‘page’. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Critical Success Factors (CSFs), will be embedded into the process to ensure that expectations are thoroughly and completely met.
Examples of recently delivered workshops include Leading Through Change, The Leadership Challenge and The 5 Levels of Leadership.



“Every tomorrow will look exactly like yesterday, UNLESS you start to do something differently today.” (John Maxwell)

A Lunch’n’Learn is a 30-60 minute, interactive exercise on an area identified by the client, as being of particular relevance.

Topics may include, but are not limited to, goal setting, team cohesiveness, empowerment and influence.

These soundbites are designed to address a specific impediment to improved performance and, how to overcome it; they will often lead to more detailed interactions such as Coaching, Mastermind Groups, Tailored Workshops and other Events.

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